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Today is: saturday 15.02.2025
Current exchange-rate:
euro EUR 27,170 Kč
dolar USD 24,356 Kč
libra GBP 36,873 Kč


Městské části: Prague 1 Prague 2 Prague 3 Prague 4 Prague 5 Prague 6 Prague 7 Prague 8 Prague 9 Prague 10
Typy ubytování: Hotels Bed & Breakfast Inns Hostels Apartments
Star rating: * ** *** **** *****

Total results: 8
EA Hotel Jasmín
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Hlavní město Praha
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: 35 EUR
Hotel Jasmín - Praha 9 - Prague 9
Star rating: 3
Type: Hotel
Hotel Bohemika
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: 1300 CZK
Hotel Bohemika is loceted in a quiet part of Prague, outside the busy centre but close to the Českomoravská or Vysočanská subway station, whoch in just 10 minutes will comfortably bring you the center of town.
Star rating: 3
Type: Hotel
Capacity: 103
Hotel DUO
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: CZK
Hotel DUO Teplická 492/19 - Prague 9 Prosek - Just 12 minutes by metro from the city center located Hotel Duo offers a wide range of quality and convenient services for leisure and business.
Star rating: 4
Type: Hotel
Capacity: 1292
Hotel Harfa
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: 600 Czk
Hotel Harfa offers comfortable and very cheap accommodation in Prague 9.
Star rating: 3
Type: Hotel
Capacity: 92
Hotel Inturprag
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: 10 Eur
Hotel INTURPRAG Lisabonská 606/10 is situated in a quiet area in Prague 9, not far from the recently opened ice-hockey hall O2 ARENA.
Star rating: 3
Type: Hotel
Capacity: 155
Hotel MAX
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: od /in 425 CZK
Penzion - hotel MAX - Bezdrevská 7/549 - Praha 9 - Prague 9 - Pension MAX is a type of family hotel with quality services. It is located in a nice, quiet and quiet location in the area of family houses in Prague part Jahodnice.
Star rating: 3
Type: Boarding house
Capacity: 36
Penzion a Restaurace Šimanda
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from:
Pension Simanda offers accommodation at reasonable prices in the outskirts of Prague.
Star rating: 3
Type: Boarding house
Capacity: 37
Travel Hotel Prague
Mountains / Region: Prague - Praha
Region: Praha
County: Praha 9
City: Praha 9
Country: Česká republika
Price from: 1440 CZK
Travel Hotel Prague - Bendlova 154/19 - Miškovice - Praha 9
Star rating: 3
Type: Boarding house
Capacity: 56

E-mail: info@penzion-hotel.cz
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Skype: penzion-hotel
Telefon: +420 775 684 048
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